Intercessory Responsibility: As a leadership coach, I will integrate trauma-informed spiritual intervention by fostering compassionate, safe spaces where leaders can explore the intersection of faith, trauma, and healing. By aligning intercessory responsibility with active inquiry, we will be able to explore beliefs, patterns, open doors to spiritual trauma and begin to deconstruct strongholds.
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Trauma-Informed Spiritual Intervention Group
As a practitioner in the Deliverance Ministry, I help clients identify their belief systems and create a safe space to explore what God is saying to them.
If I had an office out of which I practice, I would have a plaque on the wall with
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You. Psalms 139:18-19
After learning about God’s justification, I am happy to know that I can pray for things that align with who God says my client is regardless of where they are in their sanctification process. I will also continue to implement more open-ended questions to better understand their present foundation of who God is
Deliverance Ministry Reflection: Reading this reminded me that considering a person's humanity in trauma-informed spiritual intervention is essential because it allows us to approach them with compassion and respect for their unique experiences. Their beliefs and past experiences influence how they perceive and accept spiritual truths, so being sensitive to these factors helps create a more authentic and healing spiritual experience.